
We are excited to announce a PhD position within an international research project Merging of rain rate estimates from opportunistic sensors and geostationary satellites (MERGOSAT)”. This unique opportunity offers the chance to work closely with the groups of Dr. Christian Chwala (Karslruhe Institute of Technology) and dr. Uwe Siart (Technical University Munich), enriching your experience and fostering cross-border collaboration. The project investigates novel methodologies for generating near-real-time rainfall maps, particularly focusing on regions with limited data availability. By synergizing data from geostationary satellites (GEOsat) and ground-based opportunistic sensors – specifically 7 GHz commercial microwave links (CMLs) and satellite microwave links (SMLs) – we aim to improve global access to reliable real-time rainfall data.

The objective entrusted to the PhD candidate is the refinement of CML/SML Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPE) through the integration of GEOsat data.

Key tasks include:

  • Characterizing electromagnetic wave attenuation by hydrometeors along a slant path, emphasizing attenuation within the liquid and melting layers.
  • Evaluating drop size distribution (DSD) and drop velocities from Micro Rain Radar (MRR) datasets, factoring in wind-induced raindrop displacement.
  • Improve CML/SML processing by incorporating into state-of-the–art methods GEOsat observations of cloud-top properties.
  • Developing new DSD and WAA models for SMLs and low-frequency CMLs by leveraging newfound insights into drop size distribution and wet antenna attenuation, garnered from collaborative experiments with TU Munich, and synergizing it with information on DSD derived from cloud-top properties observed by GEO satellites.

The ideal candidate must have a recent MSc degree in applied mathematics, statistics, data analysis, signal processing, atmospheric physics, hydrology, meteorology or similar discipline. Experience with programming (preferable Python, R, Matlab). Reading and writing in English is required. We expect also basic experience in the fieldwork, data management etc.

The position is funded for the duration of 3 years including short-term internship at German institute. The total income includes – PhD stipendia according CTU regulations + 0.9 FTE salary as project researcher. In total this corresponds approximately to an average salary in the Czech Republic. The expected start of PhD is October 1st 2024.

How to Apply:

Please submit your application including a CV, a brief statement about your motivation for this position, copies of your academic qualification and contact details of 2 potential referees in electronic form as a single PDF file to vojtech.bares@cvut.cz.

For further information, please contact Dr. Vojtěch Bareš, vojtech.bares@cvut.cz.

Deadline for applications is June 24th, 2024 or until the position is filled.

By submitting an application form, the candidate agrees to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the selection procedure following the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and, in particular, to the distribution of the submitted materials in the electronic form to the members of the selection committee.

Company/Institute: The Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), The Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology
Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Postal Code: 16629
Street: Thákurova 7
E-mail: vojtech.bares@cvut.cz