
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 at Masaryk University, Brno – triple chance to get funded in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic you have triple chance for funding with only one application:

  • MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • ERA Fellowship for widening countries
  • Structural Funds financing – achieved by 80% of applicants (scoring 70% or higher in MSCA PF)

Masaryk University (MUNI), a leading Czech university in H2020 and HEU programmes welcomes expressions of interest from researchers who would like to apply for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships in the field of Life Sciences.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants should be progressive and ambitious postdoctoral researchers, max 8 years from date of award of their first doctoral degree.
  • Applicants must not have resided in the Czech Republic for more than 12 months during the last 3 years at the time of the deadline (11th September 2024).

Experienced supervisors from the Faculty of Medicine (MUNI MED) would be interested in working with talented researchers in following areas:

  • Bioinformatics in Stem Cell Neurobiology: you will be working in the Neurobiology research group of Dr. Dasa Bohaciakova studying Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis in vitro using a large portfolio of neuronal stem cell-based systems, including 2D neurons and 3D cerebral organoids.
  • Mechanical control of tooth growth in relation to stem cell niche activity: Jan Krivanek’s Dental Development and Regeneration Research group focuses on several fundamental aspects of developmental biology and its connection with regenerative medicine. They reveal the mechanisms involved in maintaining stem cell niche homeostasis, stem cell activation after injury, mechanical regulation of tooth growth, or the processes controlling cell differentiation at the molecular level.
  • Trace Elements in Foodstuffs and Human Diet: you will be working at Ondrej Zverina’s lab at the Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine. They focus on trace elements in the environment. The methods they work with include various extractions and digestion, followed by detection using high-resolution GF-AAS or ICP-MS.
  • Chromosome Segregation During Gametogenesis: Dr. Nicola Silva´s research group at the Department of biology is interested in studying different aspects of chromosome segregation during gametogenesis, in particular during the formation of the oocytes. They use the non-parasitic nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a model system, that allows powerful genetic and cytological analyses.
  • Mechanisms and functions of primary cilia: Dr. Lukas Cajanek obtained his Ph.D. from Karolinska Institute in Sweden (lab of Ernest Arenas), where he studied WNT signalling in dopamine neuron differentiation. For a postdoc he joined the lab of Erich Nigg (Biozentrum of University of Basel in Switzerland), where he explored centrosome biogenesis and ciliogenesis. In 2015 he came to Brno as SoMoPro fellow to establish his own research lab with access to state-of-the-art methodology and instrumentation (proteomics, gene editing, lentiviral transduction, live imaging and super-resolution microscopy, etc.) to pursue molecular mechanisms and functional aspects of primary cilia in human cells.
  • Aging in Parkinson’s Disease: Amit Khairnar’s group focuses on identifying the effect of enteric neuroinflammation in development and progression of alpha synuclein pathology from gut to brain. Your goal will be detecting the effect of astrocyte senescence on rotenone induced alpha synuclein accumulation and neurodegeneration.
  • Early-life Predictors of Mental Health in Young Adulthood: Dr. Mareckova is looking for postdoc with expertise in magnetic resonance imaging and/or epigenetics to join her team at the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, and study the early-life predictors of mental health in young adulthood. The postdoc will work on 30 years’ worth of data on the European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC) prenatal birth cohort.
  • Material modifications from the point of view of cytocompatibility: Laboratory of Materials in Medicine, led by Prof. Monika Pavkova Goldbergova, provide a multi-disciplinary team that is focused on basic and applied research in the field of metals used in implantology and nanostructures (nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces) and their effect on the organism, especially at the cellular and tissue levels.
  • Computational models of neurological disorders: Dr. Erik Fagerholm is looking for a highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher to join his interdisciplinary team at the forefront of advancing computational models of neurological disorders. This position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research aimed at unravelling the complex mechanisms underlying e.g., seizure propagation in epilepsy. The successful candidate will play a pivotal role in developing and refining computational models to simulate neural dynamics and information transmission for translation to clinical application.
  • Neurochemical and neuroimaging correlates of drug addiction: Dr. Jana Ruda Kucerova and her team are interested mainly in drug addiction. The topics of their research projects cover psychiatric comorbidities of drug addiction, sex differences and search of potential pharmacological interventions. Besides self-administration, the lab operates numerous behavioural tests, equipment for in vivo microdialysis and has an established collaboration with small animal MRI lab in Brno.

MSCA PF allows researchers to implement their own research project whilst enhancing their transferable skills and competences which lead to improved employability and career prospects and enhanced networking and communication skills. Intersectoral mobility can be part of fellowship.

Masaryk University‘s supportive environment
The Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University offers an attractive scientific environment in a modern campus adjacent to the University Hospital. The Faculty of Medicine is an HR award winner and Masaryk University offers a number of courses in research and transferable skills, enabling you to develop a scientific career.

Support to applicants
The Grant Office at MUNI MED offers support for suitable applicants in the proposal preparation process in the form of courses, personal consultations and proposal reviews.

If you are interested in applying with Masaryk University as host institution, please send your CV with track record, chosen topic and a project abstract to dagmar.vaclavikova@med.muni.cz. 

More information here: https://www.med.muni.cz/en/research-and-development/postdoc