
In accordance with the The Competitive Hiring Process Code of Charles University, the Dean of the Faculty of Science of Charles University announces a competitive hiring process with a deadline for applications February 08, 2025

An essential part of the work will be teaching in practical exercises in genetics and cytogenetics, lectures in genetics (in English) Last but not least, the job will also include supervising bachelor, master or doctoral theses The work offered includes research in the areas of the interest of the laboratory, such as cytogenetics and cytogenomics of arachnids, karyotype evolution of this group, sex and holocentric chromosomes, evolution of meiotic division, repetitive sequences, animal polyploidy and cytological mechanisms of parthenogenesis. These topics are studied on model representatives.

Application Instructions

Application, which you can download here https://natur.cuni.cz/en/faculty/official-board/selection-procedures, with cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, diplomas, research and teaching statement, must be send within 30 days from the announcement of the tender to the e-mail address: volnamista@natur.cuni.cz with subject “Výběrové řízení.”

If a candidate applies for more than one position, you must submit a separate application form for each selected position.

Candidates who progress to the second round of the selection procedure will be invited to an interview. The interview may be conducted by means of information and communication technology if justified, at the request of the candidate. The Committee may invite selected candidates to give a lecture to the academic community of the Faculty.

By sending your application, you agree that Charles University, Faculty of Science will process your personal data for the purpose of keeping records of job seekers in accordance with applicable laws.


  • Methods required for this position: analysis of karyotype and the course of meiotic division including meiotic modifications, detection of sex chromosomes, chromosome banding, basic methods of working with DNA including its labelling, fluorescence in situ hybridisation We also require: 1. Knowledge and experience in cytogenetics and arachnid cytogenetics, basic knowledge of arachnology 2. Experience with arachnid breeding and microscopy techniques 3. Good skills in graphical data processing (construction of karyotype, image analysis of cytogenetic data from standard and fluorescence microscopy) and working with appropriate programs (e.g. ImageJ) 4. Experience in preparing scientific articles


  • Evolutionary cytogenetics of arachnids

Required Documents

  • structured CV
  • education credentials, proof of academic degrees and ranks
  • list of scientific and publication activity

Job offer code: 202502-AP2-PřF-1400-103
Published: 2025-01-09
Starting date by agreement: Yes
Hours per week: 20
Duration: 3 years
Pay grade: AP2
Contract for an indefinite period: No
