Nebion AG
Immunai was founded on the belief that combining immunomics and machine learning can unlock the next generation of immunomodulatory drugs and improve the chances of drugs getting to patients. Using single cell multiomics and functional genomics, we have begun the process of phenotypically and functionally mapping the human immune system at unprecedented scale & granularity. By applying neural networks and transfer learning to this massive immune database we are generating novel insights into immune disease pathology and elucidating the mechanisms of action and resistance of immunomodulatory drugs. We are using these insights to identify and validate immune targets and target combinations, support the development of improved therapeutics, and increase the speed and success with which new therapies are brought to market. We are a multidisciplinary team of immunologists, engineers, drug developers, computer scientists, and entrepreneurs singularly focused on an engineering-first approach to bringing breakthrough medicines to patients.
Open positions
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