Jsme Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov ČVUT se sídlem v Buštěhradu u Kladna. Propojujeme vědu s komerční sférou a přinášíme na trh nová řešení, která svým uživatelům pomáhají být v technologii o krok napřed. Naší vášní jsou budovy, města, energie, životní prostředí, inovace a udržitelnost. Zaměřujeme se na aplikovaný výzkum a vývoj v rámci grantových projektů…
Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences announces an open position: Grant manager for international research projects The position is for you if: … you have experience with research, ideally in the field of life sciences, and would like to stay in the research environment in a support role … you want to…
The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences announces an open position: Scientific backend developer in data management We are looking for an enthusiast to join our team focused on management of biophysical data within the European project MOSBRI and the National Repository Platform. We offer work connected to development of data management…
Are you an ambitious person proficient in laser technology and would like to explore the fascinating world of laser development? Do you want to be part of our innovative team and contribute to the future of high technology in the laser industry? Are you a graduate with a Master’s degree in laser technology (e.g. physics…
The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, located within the Biotechnology and Biomedicine Center of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec (BIOCEV), is seeking for its Centre of Molecular Structure (CMS): Protein Production Expert We are seeking an expert in recombinant protein production for the Protein Production Laboratory at…
Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. v Biotechnologickém a biomedicínském centru Akademie věd a Univerzity Karlovy ve Vestci (Centrum BIOCEV) hledá zaměstnance pro své servisní pracoviště – Centrum molekulární struktury na pozici: Expert produkce proteinů Hledáme odborníka na rekombinantní produkci proteinů do laboratoře produkce proteinů servisního pracoviště Centrum molekulární struktury, které je součásti národní…
Are you passionate about advancing antibody development and cutting-edge biotechnology? As a Research Scientist in our Antibodies team you can play a key role in custom development of recombinant monoclonal antibodies and development of novel antibody-related technologies. What will be your responsibilities? You will employ methods such as PCR, protein expression, purification or FACS.…
Do you have an interest in understanding complex molecular interactions? Are you an experienced organic chemist with a passion for chemical biology? Join our Organic Chemistry team as a Junior Researcher and play a key role in designing and preparing small molecule precursors for various departments. What will be your responsibilities? Design and preparation of small molecule precursors for…
Are you a skilled and passionate scientist with enthusiasm for developing and implementing new molecular biology methods? Then you can help us in discovering new inventions to improve state of the art molecular diagnostics. We are strengthening our research team and we are thus looking for a Senior Researcher in Molecular Biology Methods Development. What…
Would you like to see the results of your work as top-end molecular diagnostic products in healthcare? Do you want to drive the development of such products? Then you can now join our team of PCR diagnostic developers with a strong track record in developing such products as a Senior Developer. What will be your…
The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. The ELI ERIC operates as a single multi-site organization…
The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. The ELI ERIC operates as a single multi-site organization…
The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multidisciplinary science, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. The ELI ERIC operates as a single multi-site organization…
Baví tě materiály a 3D tisk? Staň se součástí moderního digitálního hubu a buď při výrobě 3D prototypů. Tiskneme…
Pokročilé mikroskopické a difrakční nebo interferenční optické systémy budou použity pro mikrovrty a řezání skla a…
Nejmodernější techniky vícestřelů a tvarování paprsků budou využity pro vývoj funkčních mikro- a nanostruktur povrchu….
Optimální kombinace povrchové topografie a chemie povede k superhydrofobním vlastnostem na obtížně zpracovatelných…
Pokročilé strategie mikroobrábění pro zpracování ve 3, 4 a 5 osách kombinované s galvometrickými skenery. Kandidát se…
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