Job offers

Junior Research Scientist / Developer

Do you want to utilize your research skills and academic expertise for real world applications? Join our team as a Junior Research Scientist / Developer to participate in the creation of unique methods and products. What will be your responsibilities? Development of (RT-)PCR reagents and proteins and their subsequent characterization via enzymological and other biochemical methods. Development of…

Plný úvazek, DIANA Biotechnologies, s.r.o.


České centrum pro fenogenomiku (, při Ústavu molekulární genetiky AV ČR, které se specializuje na nalézaní funkce genů, hledá motivovaného a zodpovědného kandidáta na pozici Projektového manažera. České centrum pro fenogenomiku pracuje s řadou českých a evropských grantů a poskytuje servisní činnost uživatelům infrastruktury i smluvní výzkum. Centrum je součástí evropských a mezinárodních konsorcií a také…

Plný úvazek, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR - Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP)

Postdoc/junior researcher- focused on novel SPATA5 syndrome research and therapy development

The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics ( at the Institute of Molecular Genetics (Prague, CZ) is seeking a motivated and responsible candidate for the Postdoc position in the Phenotyping Module team, which develops and characterizes models of human genetic diseases. Work description and responsibilities: Preclinical research on SPATA5 syndrome in tight connection with a patient foundation…

Plný úvazek, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR - Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP)

PROJEKTOVÝ MANAŽER – Vedoucí projektově-administrativního týmu

České centrum pro fenogenomiku (, při Ústavu molekulární genetiky AV ČR), které se specializuje na nalézaní funkce genů v hledá motivovaného a zodpovědného kandidáta na pozici Projektového Manažera – Vedoucího projektově-administrativního týmu. České centrum pro fenogenomiku pracuje s řadou českých a evropských grantů a poskytuje servisní činnost uživatelům infrastruktury i smluvní výzkum. Centrum je součástí evropských…

Plný úvazek, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR - Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP)

PhD student (225)

The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. The ELI ERIC operates as a single multi-site organization…

Plný úvazek, Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Senior laser physicist (187)

The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multidisciplinary science, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. The ELI ERIC operates as a single multi-site organization…

Plný úvazek, Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Senior & Junior Scientist Experimental HED Physics (52)

The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. The ELI ERIC operates as a single multi-site organization…

Plný úvazek, Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Postdoctoral fellow – plasma betatron (197)

The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. The ELI ERIC operates as a single multi-site organization…

Plný úvazek, Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Linux Systems Engineer (196)

The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. The ELI ERIC operates as a single multi-site organization…

Plný úvazek, Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Laser Operator (124)

The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. The ELI ERIC operates as a single multi-site organization…

Plný úvazek, Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

Senior Researcher: Molecular Biology Methods Development

Are you a skilled and passionate scientist with enthusiasm for developing and implementing new molecular biology methods? Then you can help us in discovering new inventions to improve state of the art molecular diagnostics. We are strengthening our research team and we are thus looking for a Senior Researcher in Molecular Biology Methods Development. What…

Plný úvazek, DIANA Biotechnologies, s.r.o.

Senior Developer: PCR product development for in vitro diagnostics

Would you like to see the results of your work as top-end molecular diagnostic products in healthcare? Do you want to drive the development of such products? Then you can now join our team of PCR diagnostic developers with a strong track record in developing such products as a Senior Developer. What will be your…

Plný úvazek, DIANA Biotechnologies, s.r.o.

Postdoc/junior researcher focused on Angelman syndrome research and therapy development

The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics ( at the Institute of Molecular Genetics (Prague, CZ) is seeking a motivated and responsible candidate for the Postdoc position in the Phenotyping Module team, which develops and characterizes models of human genetic diseases. Work description and responsibilities: Preclinical research of Angelman syndrome in tight connection with a patient foundation…

Plný úvazek, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR - Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP)

Postdoc/junior researcher focused on Prader-Willi syndrome research and therapy development

The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics ( at the Institute of Molecular Genetics (Prague, CZ) is seeking a motivated and responsible candidate for the Postdoc position in the Phenotyping Module team, which develops and characterizes models of human genetic diseases. Work description and responsibilities: Preclinical research of Prader-Willi syndrome in tight connection with a patient foundation…

Plný úvazek, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR - Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP)

Projektový / finanční manažer/ka

Náplň práce: projektová a finanční podpora expertních týmů složených z výzkumných a technických pracovníků při podávání i následné implementaci výzkumných projektů, sledování vhodných dotačních titulů a aktuálních výzev, asistence při přípravě návrhů projektů podle věcného, finančního, časového a právního rámce dané soutěže, zajištění nezbytné administrativy projektů (uzavírání smluv, monitorovací zprávy, změnová řízení apod.), spolupráce na…

Plný úvazek, Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictví, v. v. i.

PhD student – Plasma X-ray Source (207)

The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) is the world’s largest and most advanced high-power laser research infrastructure. As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science, ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. The ELI ERIC operates as a single multi-site organization…

Plný úvazek, Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

LIDT researcher – UV optics and semiconductors

A great mission attracts great people! Join us in a team full of potential, creativity and ambition to push Czech science beyond its current limits! Are you not afraid of responsibility and further education in the field? Do you enjoy discovering new solutions, and exploring new paths? Do you enjoy being involved in the preparation…

Plný úvazek, Fyzikální ústav AV ČR - Centrum HiLASE

Influence of laser beam size and wavelength in the determination of LIDT

The laser-induced damage resistance of large optical components remains an important limitation for the maintenance costs,…

Stáž, Centrum Radius

Complex shape micromachining

Advanced micromachining strategies for processing in 3, 4 and 5 axis combined with galvanometric scanners. The candidate will learn…

Stáž, Centrum Radius

Laser nanostructuring for medical applications

State-of-the-art multi-beam and beam-shaping techniques will be utilized for the development of functional surface micro and…

Stáž, Centrum Radius

Advanced glass processing and functionalization

Advanced microscopic and diffraction or interference optical systems will be used for micro-drilling and cutting of glass and similar…

Stáž, Centrum Radius

Self-cleaning surfaces by laser micro and nanostructuring

The optimal combination of surface topography and chemistry will result in superhydrophobic properties on hard-to-process materials….

Stáž, Centrum Radius

Česká verze

(pro CZ/SK)

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