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E - Biovědy

E - Biovědy

PhD position in Biochemistry/Biology

PhD position in Biochemistry/Biology

Přírodovědecká fakulta JU (Jihočeský kraj)

Project title: The Effect of selected arthropod´s compounds on wound healing We are looking for 2 motivated PhD students for a joint research project of the team Dr. Zdeněk Franta, Ph.D. and doc. RNDr. Jindřich Chmelař, Ph.D.,the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, the Biology Centre of Academy of Science of the Czech Republic…

Plný úvazek
Biofyzik junior

Biofyzik junior

Centrum Radius (Hlavní město Praha)

Přestavba cytoskeletu jako potenciální regulátor metabolického přepínání v buňkách rakoviny jater


Junior Biophysicist

Junior Biophysicist

Centrum Radius (Hlavní město Praha)

Cytoskeleton Remodeling as a Potential Regulator of Metabolic Rewiring in Liver Cancer Cells

Emerging evidence has…

Projektový manažer/Projektová manažerka

Projektový manažer/Projektová manažerka

Lesnická a dřevařská fakulta MENDELU (Jihomoravský kraj)

Jsme moderní univerzita, vyučujeme a zkoumáme zemědělství, lesnictví, ekonomické a technické obory v regionálních i mezinárodních souvislostech. Od roku 2018 jsme držitelem ocenění HR Excellence in Research Award za rozvoj péče o zaměstnance, které nám jako první české vysoké škole udělila Evropská komise. Hledáme projektového manažera nebo projektovou manažerku, který/á bude zodpovídat za koordinaci, realizaci…

Plný úvazek
Specialized Research Technician

Specialized Research Technician

CEITEC MU (Jihomoravský kraj)

Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University (CEITEC MU) Brno, Czech Republic | www.ceitec.eu We are the Czech Republic’s flagship basic research institute based at Masaryk University. Our modern in-house core facilities, which provide open access to the latest technologies and expertise, currently support more than 500 researchers from over 35 countries, who are…

Plný úvazek

We’re excited to announce an open post-doctoral position in Robert Vacha’s Research Group! Cells employ protein liquid droplets to form dynamic clusters, which function as nanoreactors or storages with the increased local concentration of specific protein components. These membrane-less organelles self-assemble based on weak protein-protein interactions of intrinsically disordered domains. However, the role of specific…

Plný úvazek

We’re excited to announce an open post-doctoral position in Robert Vacha’s Research Group! Membrane fusion is an essential biological process that plays a crucial role in neurotransmission, intracellular trafficking, and immune responses. Despite its fundamental biological role and potential application in drug delivery, the molecular understanding of membrane fusion and its control remain elusive. This…

Plný úvazek

We’re excited to announce an open PhD student position in Robert Vacha’s Research Group! Eukaryotic and prokaryotic plasma membranes exhibit inherent asymmetry, with distinct lipid compositions between the two leaflets. However, most studies to date have focused on symmetric bilayers. This project addresses this gap by integrating molecular dynamics simulations with experimental techniques such as…

Plný úvazek

We’re excited to announce an open PhD student position in Robert Vacha’s Research Group! Membrane fusion is an essential biological process that plays a crucial role in neurotransmission, intracellular trafficking, and immune responses. Despite its fundamental biological role and potential application in drug delivery, the molecular understanding of membrane fusion and its control remain elusive….

Plný úvazek
Staff scientist in cryo-EM core facility

Staff scientist in cryo-EM core facility

Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR (Hlavní město Praha)

Group: Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (Dr. Tomáš Kouba) The cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) core facility studies the 3D structure of proteins and their complexes using single particle analysis (SPA). We also study small molecules by 3E ED. The cryo-EM laboratory thus closely cooperates with the IOCB Prague groups in the field of structural biology and biochemistry….

Plný úvazek

Česká verze

(pro CZ/SK)

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(all countries except CZ/SK)

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